
What's your initial reaction when you see a person living on the street?
...Is it to say G'day?

On Friday 4 October 2024, St Bart’s is hosting its Say G’day initiative in a bid to highlight the positive impact a simple acknowledgment can have on the people doing it tough on our streets.

St Bart’s has been supporting people experiencing homelessness for 60 years and, in that time, we have heard countless stories of their feelings of worthlessness when members of the public turn their gaze, cross the street, and make imaginary phone calls in an attempt to avoid contact with them. 

But here's the thing...

Homelessness doesn’t discriminate. No matter your age, race, sex or previous status – it can happen to anyone. And at the end of the day, we’re all human and we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

The Say G’day initiative precedes three important dates in the annual calendar; WA Mental Health Week from October 7-14, and both World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day on October 10. 

Say G'day.Don't turn away.
  • Every night in WA more than 9,700 people experience homelessness.
  • 6.2% of the homeless population nationally are rough sleepers (23.8% in WA).
  • But what can I do to create change?

Our Reach - Shining a light on homelessness

How do I support the Say G'day initiative?

Spread the word!

Talk to your friends, family and colleagues. Post on your social media channels. Be sure to tag St Bart's and use the hashtag #SayGday2024

You can also:


Whether it's individual or corporate, we appreciate any volunteering of your time and skills. Please contact our Volunteer Programs Manager, Carla Mele at St Bart's and make a difference today.


$2 or $200 every dollar counts. We appreciate any donations made to St Bart's and together we can bring change to many West Australian's doing it tough.

Helpful resources:

Message Template:

  • Each of us has a role to play in ending homelessness. Let that one word, ‘G’day’, be the start of becoming better informed, less judgmental, and the first step in your journey to making a difference. One simple word can be priceless to someone’s mental health and self-esteem. Say G’day, don’t turn away. #SayGday2023 #DontTurnAway #Acknowledge #LiftEachOtherUp #BeTheChange #StBartsPerth @stbarts_perth Copy Text
  • People sleeping rough experience feelings of invisibility and worthlessness, largely due to the fact that those passing by don’t acknowledge them. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, so Say G’day, don’t turn away. #SayGday2023 #DontTurnAway #Acknowledge #LiftEachOtherUp #BeTheChange #StBartsPerth @stbarts_perth Copy Text
  • Homelessness doesn’t discriminate, no matter your age, race, sex or previous status - it can happen to anyone. The least we can do is acknowledge the people in our community doing it tough. Say G’day, don’t turn away. #SayGday2023 #DontTurnAway #Acknowledge #LiftEachOtherUp #BeTheChange #StBartsPerth @stbarts_perth Copy Text

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